Traffic Lawyers Tell All: Top 10 Car Accident Causes

motor vehicle accident lawyers

In an ever-growing bid to reduce deaths and injuries on NSW’s roads, interactive statistics show there are many contributing factors to motor vehicle accidents. Our traffic lawyers have listed the top 10 main car accident causes.

Any car accident lawyers sydney will see continuous compensation claims brought to light by victims of these incidences:

  1. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
  2. Mobile Phone Use
  3. Speeding
  4. Weather Conditions
  5. Ignoring Red Lights and Stop Signs
  6. Young Drivers
  7. Night Driving
  8. Reckless Driving
  9. Unsafe Roads
  10. Driver Fatigue

Let’s explore each, one factor at a time.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Although authorities have taken extreme measures to help reduce the amount of people driving under the influence of alcohol more often than not, this is a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents across the state, and even country. Alcohol consumption often affects your ability to focus and as a result, imposes great dangers when operating a vehicle under the influence. These scenarios are even worse off as consumption is something we have control over and is often preventative.Friday drinks or Saturday bar hopping may sound like a great idea at the time, so here are some precautionary measures you can take:

  • Drink within the permissible legal limit if you are a driver
  • Nominate one person to be a designated driver (willingly, of course)
  • Try to carpool or catch public transport
  • Avoid getting in the car with an intoxicated driver and try to prevent them from operating a vehicle

Mobile Phone Use

With growing dependability and reliability on mobile phones these days – and applications such as Snapchat that require live posting – mobile phone use, and therefore distractions, are a growing contributor to motor vehicle accidents.
By diverting attention away from the road, and therefore missing vehicles, pedestrians, road signs and every important element one should encounter behind the wheel, there is also another preventative measure that can be taken. States have enforced strict laws in regards to mobile phone use, however this remains somewhat an epidemic amongst accidents today- even leading to fatal outcomes.

Our best advice is: DO NOT use a mobile phone and operate a vehicle at the same time. This simple habit causes a world of good.


Speed limits are carefully enforced after factoring key features on our roads. These include road type, pedestrian activity, surrounding infrastructure and many key determinants in local governments differentiating between 40 km/h zones and 100 km/h zones. Drivers must be extra cautious in recognising the speed limit at any given point, and sticking to this speed limit. School zones and highways should not be travelled along at the same speed, which is another reason speeding can lead to detrimental consequences. By ignoring speed limits, drivers put themselves, passengers, other drivers and surrounding beings in harm and show little disregard for the law. Even though travelling at the required speed limit can still lead to traffic accidents, the faster one travels, the slower their reaction time in any case of prevention.

Weather Conditions

Fortunately for us, Australia does not experience as harsh weather conditions as colder climates such as snowstorms or tornadoes. Nevertheless, when it does rain here, it pours. Wet weather is another leading factor in traffic accidents. Poor weather conditions such as rain, hail or fog may impair drivers’ vision, reactions or general operating of vehicles.This factor is out of your control, what can we do to be as safe as possible? We cannot control the weather, but we can control our actions, so here are a few points:

  • Take extra precautions in harsh weather conditions. For instance, if there is torrential rain and you are driving at the required speed limit of 60 km/h, slow down and travel at less of speed
  • If you do not have to travel behind the wheel, wait until the weather gets better and you are confident and safe to drive from point A to point B
  • It is especially crucial to consider the first three points to discuss and refrain from alcohol consumption; mobile phone use; and speeding.

Ignoring Red Lights and Stop Signs 

Another preventative contributor is the complete disregards for traffic controls.

When the light turns red: STOP
When you are a Stop sign: STOP

Running red lights and Stop signs place drivers and oncoming traffic at risk, as the circumstances are placed in higher risk. Collisions with oncoming traffic are the most common result of this behaviour and can cause serious injuries. Governments place these controls for regulation and safety above all else and by ignoring these basic enforcements, serious consequences may occur as a result.

Young Drivers

It is no doubt; the moment you receive your driver’s licence is one of the happiest moments in your teen years. Often, inexperienced drivers may feel pressured, nervous and panicky when they are on the road, especially when they are alone without the guidance of an instructor or supervisor. This lack of experience can sometimes lead to car accidents, due to this inexperience, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, recklessness.Tips for Teens:

  • Always obey road rules
  • Do not experiment anything on the road (like how fast your new car can travel)
  • If you do not feel confident driving alone, continue to practice with a responsible adult until you do

Night Driving

Driving at any time of day can be dangerous, however driving at night has proven to heighten this danger, with this environmental condition being another leading cause in traffic accidents. Whether this is a result of poor eye sight or not being able to see what lies ahead, it is extra important to be extra cautious while travelling in darker circumstances. As compensation lawyers, when a claim has been brought to light (pun intended) one of our key considerations is the lighting, such as streetlights and how helpful they were, at the time of an accident. In the lead up to occurrences caused by poor vision at night, determinants can be headlights, road lights, traffic lights or lack thereof as key contributors for accidents that may occur as a result.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is never a justification.Reckless driving may be in the form of:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Sharp turns at full speed
  • Tailgating other vehicles
  • Road rage
  • Street racing

Whatever the circumstances may be, these are highly illegal and culprits endanger the lives of themselves and others by engaging in these means of reckless driving. If you come across a driver who is compromising the safety of road users, we highly recommend as citizens to report these drivers.

Remember, Fast and Furious was just a movie and should not be re-enacted.

Unsafe Roads

Local governments try their best to maintain the safety of our roads and ensure the wellbeing of drivers travelling along. Unsafe roads may be in the form of:

  • Inadequate street signs
  • Dangerous intersections
  • Blind spots
  • Confusing lanes
  • Potholes

In encountering any of these conditions, drivers have a responsibility to take further precautions to prevent any motor vehicle accidents.

Our advice when faced with these conditions is that are more prone to accidents is to leave a lot of room between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, so that if you do need to change travelling conditions, you can do so in enough time. You must also concentrate even more so on your driving, leaving all distractions aside and aware of movement of traffic, while travelling at the speed limit.

Driver Fatigue 

Driver fatigue remains a high concern for road users today. As substantial campaigns to raise awareness have been, this is still a growing concern in the busy lives we lead. Micro-sleeps main occur at night and if any point, as a driver, you are feeling sleepy or drowsy, it is safe to “Stop. Revive. Survive. ”What is a Micro-Sleep? Micro-sleeps are episodes of light sleep that can last only seconds (sometimes as little as five seconds) in which the brain “goes to sleep” involuntarily is duller situations- such as driving along a lengthy road after a tiring day at work.Caused by fatigue, signals of micro-sleeps can be head jolts and drooping eyelids, and if at any point drivers experience these feelings, it is safest to always pull over before resulting in far deeper consequences.


As experienced compensation lawyers, our traffic lawyers have successfully handled many claims of victims involved in traffic accidents. Our team of car accident lawyers will work hard to ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to and your case is handled to the best of our ability as an experienced vehicle accident law firm.
As recovering from a motor injury, either physically, mentally or emotionally can be difficult and timely, we aim to tackle the competing laws of claims, while you focus solely on your recovery.

Our expertise extends to the following:

  • Whiplash injury claims
  • Head, neck, back and spinal injury claims
  • Brain injury claims
  • CTP Greenslip claims
  • Car, motorbike and truck accidents
  • Pedestrian injuries
  • Medical expenses claims
  • Wages claims
  • Care claims

If you have a claim you would like a Car Accident Lawyers in Sydney, or Australia-wide, to assess, contact us.

You can also read our article: “Car Accident Attorneys Tell All: What to do immediately after a car accident happened”.

The comments in the article are general in nature and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Anyone intending to apply the information contained in this newsletter should seek their own professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances. This article is issued as a helpful guide to clients and for their private information. Therefore, it should be regarded as confidential and not be made available to any person without our prior approval.

Liability limited by a scheme, approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.

Car Accident Attorneys Tell All: What to do immediately after a car accident

car accident lawyers sydney

Being involved in a car accident can be a frightening experience, with many factors to consider in the aftermath. Our team of car accident attorneys understand the nature and impacts of being involved in a vehicle accident. Accidents may be a result of various factors ranging from behavioural to environmental, and in most cases can be prevented if the right precautions have been taken while operating a vehicle.

Statistics conducted by NSW Centre for Road Safety showed the many contributing factors to motor vehicle accidents.

Our vehicle accident law firm attorneys narrowed it down to three following behavioural variables:

  • Involvement of speeding
  • Involvement of fatigue
  • Involvement of alcohol

According to the most recent study, of the three variables, 46%, 20% and 16% of motorists were subject to the aforementioned causes respectively. Other determinants may be further broken down into more specific categories such as environmental surroundings, regional conditions, weather circumstances and even demographics including gender, age group and licence levels.

No matter the cause or situation surrounding a vehicle accident, car accidents can present great deals of pressure to those involved. Besides the inconvenience of being without a vehicle, in the case of a write-off or repair, common injuries in various forms may also occur. These include physical, such as spinal cord injuries, brain, head or neck injuries; psychological such as emotional distress, anxiety and depression or post-traumatic stress order; or financial stresses.

Depending on the cause and circumstances of the incident, parties may also have a strong legal claim worth fighting for to make up for any physical, emotional or financial damages brought about by involvement. Following involvement, it is vital to seek legal advice and assistance from a vehicle accident law firm. To handle the occurrence most effectively, especially in the lead up to any proceedings, there are a few precautions to be taken, to be further discussed.

For people involved in a traffic accident the first time ‘round, the steps you take to ensure you, and any other parties involved, handle the situation well, are vital in the immediate and long-term repercussions of the incident.

Right After the Car Accident Has Occurred:

First things – your health and safety. Before making any decisions, the most important thing to determine is the wellbeing of all involved. Whether to call the police to intervene, or handle the situation on the spot, is dependent on the circumstances of the incident as follows:

What To Do After The Car Accident Lawyers Advice - Infographic

Vehicle Accident Law Firm Insights: A Step-by-Step Guide Instantly After Traffic Accident

  1. Stay calm and take all necessary precautions Following the shock and often unseen nature of traffic accidents, it is easy for people involved to feel uneasy and distressed. It is important not to panic and to remain calm, cool and collected. In any instance of stress or nerves, actions must be carefully controlled and emotions dealt with.Necessary precautions should then be made including alerting other passers-by that the vehicle/s are out of action by turning on hazard lights. Where possible, to remain out of heavy traffic areas is also desirable, such as moving to a quiet side street if there have been no injuries and the cars are still operative.
  2. Exchange Necessary Information The following step, and perhaps one of the most important is to gather as much information as possible. This is especially vital to file an insurance claim, or in some accident cases, a lawsuit.As a minimum requirement, the following information should be collated:
    • All details surround event to be provided to car accident attorneys
    • Noted date, time and location of the crash
    • Driver’s licence details (of all involved if this a multi-vehicle incident)
    • Updated details of name, address and licence number (in any case of the former two being different to licence)
    • The vehicles involved, including licence plate number and even make/model
    • Contact details of all parties involved
    • Contact details of any witnesses if there are, and are willing to cooperate
    • Images of all vehicles involved, especially of damage that has occurred
    • Images of all injuries, bruising etc. if any.

    If possible, it could also be worthwhile to get the insurance details of involved parties including insurance provider and insurance policy number. If you have been injured you must report the accident within 28 days to the police, otherwise, you will not be entitled to proceed with a compensation claim.

Q: Without the assistance of police, what would give motorists reason to believe an involved party may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
A: If one suspects that an involved party may be affected by either alcohol or drugs, it is important to monitor behaviour, appearance and in the instance of alcohol, even smell. If for any reason you do suspect this may be a factor, trust your instinct and phone the police on triple zero (000).

  1. Leave it to the insurer’s Insurers should be the first point of contact for advice- whether or not police have attended and whether or not the vehicle has been towed. After contacting your insurance company and reporting the incident, it is important that they unfold the facts and gather the evidence to make their decision- and more important determine the party ‘at fault.’Do not at this point admit to the fault as being your own, especially before any investigations have taken place. The last thing you want to do is place any weakness on your claim, particularly if the fact of the matter is that you are not at fault. Stand firm and do not feel intimidated.If either vehicle needs to be towed, towing company must be contacted- as recommended by insurer or company of choice.
    Insurers will then handle the claim- after receiving confirmation and further details from repairers and speaking with all parties involved, including any willing witnesses at hand.

Q: What if I suspect a driver has provided false details?
A: If for any reason you suspect an involved driver has purposely given the incorrect details or there seems to be signs of suspicious behaviour, contact the police immediately who will then advise of the necessary steps to take, or visit the scene of the crash to further assist. Whether the culprit has fled the scene or not, report the matter and leave it in police hands. Note any details you may find helpful in the investigation. It is also crucial to notify the vehicle accident law firm handling the case of all factors surrounding the incident.

  1. How Do I Determine If I Have a Legal Case of Compensation Law at Hand and If I Should Consult a Car Accident Attorney? After the formalities and proceedings following the incident, you may have a strong case worth bringing to light to seek compensation. At Prominent Lawyers, we understand recovering from motor injuries and incidents can be much more difficult when dealing with the complexities of the law. If you feel your case is worth fighting for, it is worth contacting us to assist.
    Claims may be in the form of:

    • Injury Claims
    • CTP Greenslip Claims
    • Car, motorbike and truck accidents
    • Pedestrian Injuries
    • Medical Expense Claims
    • Wages Claims
    • Care Claims
    • Other claims can be advised according to vehicle accident law firm attorneys.

    There are time limits relating to compensation claims, see us immediately to help before the time limits expire.

  2. Is this Legal Process of Car Accident Claims Difficult?With any legal proceeding, the law is complex and can be challenging at times. As professionals, our aim is to make the process as simple as possible, so that parties can focus on recovering or dealing with the aftermath, while we focus on the legal aspects.As a proficient vehicle accident law firm, our car accident lawyers will aim to make the process as smooth as possible, and most importantly, keep in constant communication with all our clients, to continually notify them of the progress of their case.The Prominent procedure is as simple as:How To Work With Vehicle Accident Law Firm - InfographicIn the first step, we will help determine the merits of your compensation claim and advise on the likelihood of a successful claim.
  1. What are the alternatives if I do not have to go to Court?As court is the often the last resort taken by car accident attorneys, if a settlement was not agreed upon following the relevant legal proceedings, there are alternatives to Court.
    These include:

    • Negotiation
    • Information Mediation
    • Formal Mediation
    • Arbitration
    • Other Alternative Dispute Resolution methods

    No matter the course of the case, from the initial consultation to the final process, we ensure a smooth process, with the interests of clients at the forefront of any outcomes and decisions.

Q: What is the likelihood of going to Court?
A: Court hearings are the final process we like to resort to. Given the lengthy time frame and high costs involved with court cases, we aim to settle any claim outside of court as a first priority. Our vow is to only resort to court hearings if is in the best interest of our client.

We hope traffic accidents are kept to a minimum at all times, however, at times, situations may be out of our control. For further information on what to do and how to handle a case, we encourage clients- current and prospective- to contact our team of car accident attorneys for further information and assistance.

Built on values of care, passion, proactivity, honour and empathy, our business morals are our guidance in handling each case with attention and a strong desire for what we do.

The comments in the article are general in nature and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Anyone intending to apply the information contained in this newsletter should seek their own professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances. This article is issued as a helpful guide to clients and for their private information. Therefore, it should be regarded as confidential and not be made available to any person without our prior approval.

Liability limited by a scheme, approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.